Sunday, 30 October 2011

Market Research Day

On Friday 29/10/11 Room 10 Winton School year 7&8 had market research day for a build up to the actual Market day. We sat our desk out by the Crazzy Course and waited for the customers to come and have some fun!!. We also had a questionnaire to ask the kids from Room 1 down to Room 5.


Wednesday, 5 October 2011

At our next PrEP meeting we had a good talk and thought of a better idea. (One of our own)So thats when we came up with The Crazzy Course.And that was our great new idea.Then we had to think of money but not the real money,play money.That money is called Moolah.The name Moolah was made up by a girl in room 9 called Hannah.The roles of each member in our group are Shay (C.E.O),Chloe(designer),Bradley(Finacial manger),Matthew(Marketing adviser) and Pretoria(Employee).